The cost for this project is normally £3,450
but we have secured funding to reduce the cost to schools down to only £450.
Soft Touch is running this project for years 9, 10 and 11 in schools in Leicester/Leicestershire.
Using drama and the arts, the model engages whole schools in teacher training, peer-to-peer education and practical workshops for pupils. By empowering young people and teachers to identify abuse, to speak out against violence, and to actively promote gender equality, the model aims to create safe cultures in which young people can develop and grow. Specific project aims are:
• To educate young people about the violence and abuse perpetrated in relationships and sexual bullying in
• To challenge and change young people’s attitudes that condone and conceal issues of violence and
• To support young people by raising awareness of services and sources of help, or someone they know, is
experiencing abuse;
• To enable teachers to integrate preventative approaches to these issues in the classroom.
The project includes a resource pack for teachers, a one-hour CPD accredited teacher-training
session. 10 hours of off timetable delivery, planned with a flexible approach, working with 25 young people. A sharing of what they have learnt to180 of their peers. The cost for this project is normally £3,450 but we have secured funding to reduce the cost to schools down to only £450.
If you’re interested in having Soft Touch Arts run this project in your school please contact us so we can talk further.
Contact Trina on: 0116 270 2706 or email