Cycling Animations

A group of students at Mellor Community Primary School made the animations.

 All had difficulties with literacy and speaking skills and a few spoke very little English.


Some of the group had also been involved in cycle training and it was decided to make a film using animation and live action on the subject of cycling. As part of this process the students wrote and recorded the dialogue for the film, as a way of improving their listening, speaking and sequential thinking skills. The film was entered into the Bike It film festival, which promotes cycling, giving the students something to aim towards and motivate them – their film won first prize!

“One benefit was around self-image, eg one child who appeared on a bike in the DVD even though she can’t ride one – her disability didn’t prevent her from being a star. She is very vulnerable and has almost no knowledge about the outside world but in the film she is cycling down the street, which she could never do in real life”. Mellor School Special Needs teacher

The cycling animations were part of our Creative Partnerships programme.

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