
Young people from the city and county got a chance to develop their music skills through our Elevated programme, which targeted places where there is very little youth provision.

We worked with Travellers in Lutterworth and Market Harborough; on the streets of Coalville and Loughborough; and on the city estates of Eyres Monsell and Beaumont Leys.

These outreach sessions were complemented by a weekly session at Soft Touch where young people could develop their music making further, for example learning how to make beats, write lyrics and produce music.  They also got the opportunity to work together towards performing and recording.

We worked with young Travellers and these sessions were very popular, with one young person from Lutterworth signed up to come to our weekly sessions at Soft Touch.  In Market Harborough we worked with the Satellite Centre and one of the aims was to find positive ways to address the young people’s challenging behavior towards the centre’s staff.
This was a two year programme funded by Youth Music.

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