Soft Touch partners with local law firm Glynis Wright and Co. to create groundbreaking short film project

In 2006, almost a quarter of dependent children lived in lone parent households compared with seven per cent in 1972 (ONS, 2007).

Pulled Both Ways is a joint initiative between Soft Touch Arts and Glynis Wright & Co Family Solicitors and Mediators which supported an innovative short-film project with young people in two Leicester Schools – Leicester High School for Girls and New College. The project resulted in the 3 short films made by young people to highlight the negative emotional effects of conflict caused by parental separation. Sometimes children become pulled into the conflict as an ally of one parent or they may be used by one or both parents as a “weapon” against the other.

The children can literally be “Pulled both Ways.” The films are being used to raise awareness within families facing relationship break-up about the importance of managing the process sensitively in order to protect their children from the negative impact of separation.   The films are available as a tool to be used in mediation sessions with families, and from November 2016 onwards the films will be distributed to family mediation services in Leicestershire and beyond to use as a tool to engage families in mediation.

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